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People are CRAZY!


How many times have you heard (or said) that? It certainly feels that way some of the time – or a lot of the time… The fact is, though, that most people really aren’t crazy. They just don’t make sense to us because we don’t instinctively know how to relate to them – their personality, their behavior, their reactions, their experiences.

Figuring out how to work well with, manage, or motivate others starts with understanding ourselves. We all have strengths, challenges, and quirks. Self awareness is the fundamental key to personal and professional development. So, that's where we start.

I take a highly individualized approach to coaching, so whether you have a short-term challenge or long-term goals, we'll take a collaborative and practical problem-solving approach to developing a plan together. There is no better time than now to define your goals and start working toward them.

Individual coaching can stand alone on an individual basis or through an employer, and it can also be used to supplement and amplify group training. Length and nature of coaching engagements will depend on client needs, goals, and resources.

Together we can help you make this investment in yourself.  

Take the first step. You're worth it!

Coaching + Career Planning

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